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We teach couples the steps and skills to communicate better, stay connected through seasons and restore relationships after a conflict.

Welcome To The Co-Show

In our relationship journey, communication is power. It took us years, and still counting, to discover more about each other. Each season of our relationship requires a different version of us—from the time we dated to our engagement, then as we progress each year in our marriage, and now as parents of two. Every argument and every problem we encounter is different, but the solution always remains the same—communication.

We are marriage coaches who want to see you thrive and be experts in your own marriage through empowered communication.

Do Not Delay

The most important things are not urgent. But if you don’t pay attention to them, they will soon become urgent. It's urgent because the family is breaking apart. Urgent because the marriage is turning cold and spouses suddenly feel like they no longer know each other. Urgent because bills and debts pile up. Urgent because our bodies start to show our age, and time with each other has already passed by.

The reality is we do not hold our time. Neither do we hold the time of the people who are important to us. Married couples, how do you make the important things urgent in your life? By spending time with them. The greatest gift of love you can give is time. Time is something you cannot take back.

Do not delay love. Do not delay forgiveness. Do not delay joy. Do not delay peace. Do not delay kindness. Do not delay moments together. Do not delay being a spouse to each other.

Do not delay giving something that you have and will bless others, especially your family. You hold back because you know that not everyone will reciprocate. Give it anyway. Maybe your partner is not like you. It doesn’t change anything. The Lord is using you as an instrument to bless you and your family.

Do not delay because life is fleeting. We live every day yet life is short—too short for doing only what we want. Make your life worthwhile. Live your purpose. Live to love. Start at home. Start with your spouse. Have a long and happy life by living it with love and learning, most especially with God. Again, do not delay what you can do today.

Love Connect Podcast with The Co-Show

It takes one day to get married but a daily commitment to make the marriage work. We are Dreus and Love Cosio, book authors of "Love Connect" The Couple's Language to a Happy Marriage." Resolve conflicts faster, deepen your connection and apply practical yet fun tips to strengthen your communication by listening to our podcast.

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What People Say

"We're surprised that even online retreat can give a powerful experience with realization of forgiving and surrendering as prior to that we have disagreements but it got sorted when we started the activity and discussing during the session."

"Dreus and Love inspire couples like us. With all those misunderstandings, lack of deep communication, and arguments, we believe that God sent some angels like them to remind us of our commitment to each other and to Him."

"The Cosios manage to get us hooked on their take on each marriage topic presented. They are lively and "kalog" but full of wisdom. We enjoyed listening to them and hoped for more but unfortunately, time is short."

"It's an unforgettable experience for us, their talks were so powerful as they really touched our hearts deep within us. We enjoyed the dialogue part where it helps us to be experts of our own marriage."

"Being married for decades, we thought we know everything already because we are living all that we have learned and imparting it to our children. But attending the retreat facilitated by Dreus and Love made us realize that there's more to learn."

"Dreus and Love are like a breath of fresh air, especially during the time of the pandemic. They remind us to have open minds and open hearts to absorb messages about marriage."

"The Cosios remind us that marriage affords endless opportunities to practice love and continue to grow with God's love. They remind us to be humble and not judge and to have the willingness to cut our own pride."

"They are such an inspiration that even old couples like us have a practical yet meaningful life."

"Dreus and Love present simple messages that are easy to apply. The sincerity of their hearts is felt through every message they give. May they bless more people in the world."